A Predictable Future Awaits

Advanced modelling and analysis for serious business advantage

The Critical Questions

How long will it take to implement?
Is the model unique to you ? 
Does your model improve over time ? 
Can you customise and extend your models ?
Can you understand the drivers of the predictions? 

Bring predictability to a world of 

A predictable future awaits

Solving a business-critical question with tailored predictive analytics solutions is the safest path to deriving actionable insight and value from your company’s data. Predicting which customer is likely to churn or which lead is most likely to close can help you prioritise your business practices, bringing a personalised-level of attention to your customers and improve the bottom line. But in making your buying decisions there are a number of important questions to consider.

Managility’s Data Scientists provide evidenced based methodologies that deliver predicatable results you can bank on.



Data Science without the hype

A pragamatic & proven approach

Managility cover all advanced analysis methods relevant from a business perspective including:

– classification

– regression

– clustering

–  anomaly detection

The right support

Delivering a great predictive analytics requires more than just a good product. You need talented consultants who understand your organisation’s unique business challenges, and who won’t abandon you once the solution goes live.

All Managility’s customers receive ongoing support so we can make sure they get maximum value from their investment. Whether you’re looking for predictive analytics consulting services in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane or Perth, Managility has the local presence to help.

To find out more about how Managility can help your organisation make better business decisions, call us today.

Featured Customers


The Managility Fast Start program is a customised workshop leveraging our pre-built data architectures and models to help you  experience the potential of effective Planning, Business Intelligence & Analytics processes in the quickest possible way. The program incorporates 1, 2 or 4 days with our experienced Consultants & Data Scientists

Predictive Analytics

Agile Planning

Business Intelligence


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